Children Moving:A Reflective Approach to Teaching Physical Education with Movement Analysis Wheel
Author Information
George Graham, Shirley Ann Holt Hale, Melissa ParkerProduct Details
ISBN: 9780077626532
Publish Date: 04/10/2012
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages
Number of pages: 700
Children! Impressionable, innocent, enthusiastic, eager to learn, and all different. In fact, if you believe that all children are identical—with the same interests, abilities, and size—then Children Moving is not the book for you. The authors of Children Moving, however, recognize that each child is unique. One size does not fit all! Thus, Children Moving guides you in the process of learning to teach a curriculum that is differentiated for a range of skill abilities and fitness levels. If all children were the same, we would be able to package a curriculum with the same games and the same gymnastic stunts and dances you would do with all of the children as if they were identical. Children Moving, on the other hand, introduces you to the reflective approach—a process of teaching that provides the background for you to adapt, adjust, and modify lessons so they are interesting and worthwhile for all of the children you teach—from the lowest to the highest skill and fitness levels. The ultimate goal, of course, is to guide youngsters in the process of becoming physically active for a lifetime.
The lesson plans to accompany Children Moving, On the Move: Lesson Plans for Children Moving, are now available on the CREATE platform as an ExpressBook. To order your print or eBook copies, visit
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