Nutrition for Life Plus MyNutritionLab with eText plus MyDietAnalysis -- Access Card Package (3rd Edition)
Author Information
Janice Thompson, Melinda ManoreProduct Details
ISBN: 9780321828354Publish Date: 07/06/2012
Publisher: Benjamin Cummings
Number of pages: 528
Nutrition for Life capitalizes on your natural interest in nutrition by demonstrating how it relates directly to your health and daily life. A unique aspect of the text is its presentation of nutrients based on function, rather than chemical classification.Within the vitamins and minerals chapters, micronutrients are organized by their various functions within the body (such as tissue guardians, antioxidants, energy generators, essential electrolytes, mineral power plants, blood fortifiers, bone builders), enabling students to think about them conceptually while also understanding their basic roles in the body. This discourages rote memorization and promotes fuller and more accessible understanding of each micronutrients’ importance.
Beyond the functional approach, Nutrition for Life includes applied features such as Eating Right All Day, Foods You Don’t Know You Love Yet, and new Cooking videos. The Third Edition also includes additional content with engaging new features, fewer Nutri-Cases, and the new MyPlate food patterns and recommendations. The art and photos have also been updated, along with a fresh interior design.
0321828356 / 9780321828354 Nutrition for Life with MyNutritionLab plus MyDietAnalysis
Package consists of:
0321787870 / 9780321787873 MyNutritionLab with MyDietAnalysis -- Valuepack Access Card -- for Nutrition for Life
0321774353 / 9780321774354 Nutrition for Life